At Roches Feed’s, we pride ourselves on being one of the leading suppliers of dairy feeds in the Ireland. Roche's quality dairy compounds are carefully formulated incorporating the most up to date nutritional knowledge to maximise the potential of your dairy herd.
Within the range there is a product to suit all requirements. Whether the need is for a high energy ration for high yields or rations to suit more extensive grazing systems, each is formulated to provide the optimum balance of nutrients to optimize feed efficiency and dairy output.
Hi EnergyDairy 16 is a high energy dairy feed with an excellent balance of energy andfibre designed for grass and silage.
Hi Energy Dairy18 has many similarities to its sister Hi energy Dairy 16. It is designed to befed as silage starts to make up a larger proportion of the diet and when grassproteins are low.
Super dairy16 is very high in energy with excellent quality digestible fibre. Designed tomaintain body condition in early lactation while ensuring no excess urea in therumen from high protein grass.
Super dairy18 is a high energy feed containing megalac with excellent quality rawmaterials. Designed to be fed when silage is in the diet. Super dairy 18ensures quality milk composition and high yields.
Hi Maizedairy 18 is a high energy protein nut based on maize. The high levels of maizeensure energy levels are met without causing digestive upset.
Golden Cowis an elite level dairy diet containing 20% protein. Golden cow contains excellentquality raw materials to exploit the potential of high genetic merit cows.Megalac is also included.
Hi Maizedairy 18 is a high energy protein nut based on maize. The high levels of maizeensure energy levels are met without causing digestive upset.
Milk Master24% is an excellent quality nut designed for feeding with silage and maizesilage. Milk master is capable of supporting yields well in excess of 8000litres. Megalac is also included
Designed tobe fed from the 15th of April onwards. Derogation 15% is anexcellent quality nut designed to be fed at grass. It contains high qualityingredients capable of supporting cows at grass during peak yield.
Pasture Dairy14% is an excellent quality nut designed to be fed at grass during the grazingand breeding season. Contains extra levels of minerals and vitamins to helpimprove conception rates.
SummerDairy is 14% protein designed for lower feeding rates during the grazingseason. It is designed to carry all minerals and trace elements to aid fertilityand reduce the risk of grass tetany.
12% Grassnut is designed for lower feeding rates during the grazing season. It isdesigned to carry all minerals and trace elements to aid fertility and reducethe risk of grass tetany.
Roche’sFertilty Booster Dairy Nut is 14% protein designed to be fed during thebreeding season. Our Fertility booster along with the highest quality rawmaterials contain Availa-Plus chelated copper, selenium and zinc. It alsocontains CRINA heat pack which is a blend of essential oils Beta-Carotene andvitamin E.
Designed toprevent butterfat depression in dairy cows. Butterfat Booster containsprotected fat, NIS and Rumensmart. This combination maintains rumen pH whilesupplying fat to the mammary gland and minimising the negative impacts of CLA’sfrom grass.
Hi cereal15% combines some of the qualities of the fertility booster and Butter booster.It contains Availa-plus copper, Selenium and Zinc to help aid fertility. ContainsNIS to improve rumen function and Rumensmart and protected fat to improve milkfat.
Hi PhosDairy contains extra levels of phosphorus to treat signs of PICA in dairy cowsduring the grazing season.
Rumen Proofdairy is designed to improve rumen function and fertility. Rumen proof dairycontains Panatec and NIS.
Hi FibreNIS is a 14% protein, high fibre dairynut containing NIS to help prevent digestive upsets on lush grass.
Coarse Dairy 20%
Coarse Dairy 20% is a high protein high energy coarse dairy feed designed to befed on silage.
Coarse Dairy18 has many similarities to its sister Hi energy Dairy 16. It is designed to befed as silage starts to make up a larger proportion of the diet and when grassproteins are low.
CoarseDairy 15 is a high energy coarse dairy feed with an excellent balance of energyand fibre designed for grass and silage.